
TopFly - T8608

The TopFly T8608 is a basic OBDII tracker designed for simple vehicle tracking without any complex or unnecessary features. It is a plug-and-play device that requires no installation or maintenance, making it incredibly easy to use. This tracker is perfect for individuals or businesses looking for a hassle-free tracking solution. One of the standout features of the T8608 is its compatibility with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) sensors. When used with BLE sensors, such as TOPFLYtech's temperature and humidity sensor, door sensor, or wireless relay, the T8608 can monitor additional data points like temperature, humidity, and door status. This allows for more comprehensive tracking and monitoring capabilities. In terms of tracking accuracy, the T8608 offers real-time and buffer locations. Real-time location updates can be as frequent as every 3 seconds, ensuring you have up-to-date information on your vehicle's whereabouts. Additionally, the device can save up to 60,000 location points in its buffer if it goes out of network coverage, ensuring you don't miss any important data. The T8608 is also equipped with various alerts and notifications. It can send disconnection alerts when the device is disconnected from power, ensuring you are aware of any tampering or removal attempts. It also provides ignition on/off alerts, notifying you when the engine is switched on or off. These features add an extra layer of security and peace of mind. With its compact size, the T8608 is one of the smallest OBDII trackers available in the market. This makes it discreet and easy to install, without drawing attention to itself. It also features a backup battery that provides power for sending disconnection alerts when the main power source is disconnected. This ensures that you stay connected and informed even in the event of a power outage or tampering. Overall, the TopFly T8608 is a reliable and user-friendly OBDII tracker that offers basic tracking capabilities with the option to expand its functionality with BLE sensors. Whether you're tracking a personal vehicle or managing a fleet, the T8608 is a cost-effective solution that provides essential tracking features without any unnecessary complexity.

This information only is for informational purposes only, Flotas control does not have relationship with the device's manufacturer, for more information check the manufacturer's website or user manual.

Set Up T8608


To set the tracker send the following commands by SMS messages, the sample setup the device password is XjJp, this password is the default

  1. Set the time zone UTC-0
  2. Set the operator APN
  3. Set the GPRS server
    IP,XjJp, 8888#
  4. Set the update interval, 60 seconds