
Change Log - 2024-05-14

  1. Enhanced Data Interaction with ChatGPT: You can now directly interact with your data using artificial intelligence technology with ChatGPT. This enables ongoing context in conversations and enhances real-time statistics tracking.

  2. Chat Feature in Activity Summary: We've integrated the chat functionality into the activity summary. This allows you to speak directly with your data, providing instant responses in a more interactive manner.

  3. Optimized AI Token Calculation: We have improved the accuracy of the AI token calculations, ensuring a more efficient and correct use of resources.

  4. Markdown Support in Chat with ChatGPT: The chat with ChatGPT now supports Markdown formatting, allowing you to better structure your messages and achieve clearer, more organized displays.

  5. Management of Pending Payments: When a pending payment is detected, we now automatically freeze payment processes until the current payment is fully processed. This improves the security and management of your transactions.