
Change Log - 2024-06-14

We have completely revamped the help section of Plaspy, our satellite GPS tracking service. This update aims to enhance user experience by providing a clearer and more detailed guide on using Plaspy. Below are the main improvements:

  1. Comprehensive and Accessible Guide:

    • The new Plaspy help offers step-by-step instructions, user guides, and multimedia files to facilitate understanding and optimal use of our platform.
  2. Improved Navigation:

    • The manual's structure is designed to offer intuitive navigation, allowing quick access to necessary information.
  3. Updated Key Features:

    • Real-Time Monitoring Map: Now with satellite and street views, real-time updates, and historical route analysis.
    • Device Control Panel: Enhanced management and visualization of all tracked devices.
    • Route Statistics: Detailed performance summaries with key metrics.
    • Geofences: Creation and management of virtual zones with alerts.
    • Mass Alert Editing: Configuration of alerts for multiple devices simultaneously.

For more information, access the help section on our web platform. This update is designed to help you make the most of all the capabilities and benefits that Plaspy has to offer.

Highlighted Recent Changes

  1. Complete Rewrite of Plaspy Help:

    • We have reviewed and updated all content in the help section to ensure the information is clear, precise, and easy to understand.
  2. Improved Navigation:

    • Reorganized structure to facilitate quick and easy access to the most relevant information.
  3. Step-by-Step Instructions and Multimedia:

    • Incorporation of videos and detailed guides to enhance understanding and use of Plaspy's functionalities.